About me: I thought I would tell just a part of my story. I am the eldest of three kids. Myself and two younger brothers, both of whom are also very much into esoteric wisdom. I have three beautiful sons. (So yes surrounded by boys, I hold the feminine fortress).
I was born with an imaginary friend (At least this is how my parents described ‘Skeeta”. Skeeta and me seemed to share consciousness). Skeeta was with me until I started primary school at age 5, when my dad, (who was an influential teacher at my primary school, told me Skeeta couldn’t come to school with me). Recently I have reunited with Skeeta in Crystal dreaming with Raym Richards and in Psychic Kinesiology with Bernadette O’Connor. Skeeta is my main guide from my cosmic family.
First sign of becoming an Astrologer again in this lifetime: In December, 1989 an earthquake hit Newcastle. I was with my mum shopping at Charlestown Square. She was next door in a shoe shop and I was in the book shop looking up astrology books (as I always was), wanting to know about myself and my place in the universe. The whole shopping centre shook and people started screaming and the biggest astrology atlas that was in the shop fell on my head. The lights went out and mum couldn’t find me.
Becoming a Primary School Teacher in 2004: In one of my final Practicums at University I did my Practicum at a School in Chang Mai, Thailand in 2003.
I loved this experience so much but one of the main things that stuck in my mind was how the children even from kindergarten age were able to meditate for over an hour in complete stillness or stand waiting for the Prince to come back home for hours on end without moving. I as an adult couldn’t keep my mind still to be able to sit next to these little children. But it changed me anyway because when I came back teaching in Australian schools never ever made sense to me after that experience.
I become a primary school teacher and taught in various settings from 2004 until 2008. I never got a permanent position ( because as I would later learn) I never really wanted one or choose one. I was however employed as a permanent educator at Life Education, and at ‘Essential Moves’ as a teacher. A normal classroom teaching role somehow didn’t appeal to me.
My own Family: I have three beautiful boys. Me and the father of my boys were together for almost 20 years, since we were 16. We separated in 2016.
The Beginning of Yogic Studies: We had our first child in January, 2009 and our second child in November, 2010. In 2011 when I was a mother of two young (and very full on) boys, I downloaded my first yoga journal online. It was called : The Science of Yoga: A Home Study Course in Classical Ashtanga Yoga by Yogacharya. I couldn’t get enough of it! I went to Office Works and printed out the whole thing, (which was huge). I forwarded it to my youngest brother (Joe), and he also printed out a copy. The Study of yoga (In this lifetime, began again).
I went onto do my yoga teacher training at Purna Yoga in Byron Bay in June, 2012. This is where I first was given a book on Evolutionary Astrology, which I loved because I was obsessed with Astrology as a child however at this point I wasn’t totally activated in my understanding of the nodal Axis until I met Beatrix. I loved this teacher training in Byron Bay, but I was still searching for something more in alignment with the esoteric wisdom of Yoga.
At the same time my sister in law and my brother Josh, heard about a yoga teacher in Nong Khai, from his. At this stage I had already completed my level 1, 200hr teacher training with Purna yoga in Byron Bay.
Nong Khai, Thailand: When Josh and and his girlfriend (now wife) Holliea came back from Nong Khai, they had changed dramatically in their lifestyle. The experience transformed them more than anything I could imagine. I was so eager to go and meet their yoga teachers in Nong Khai.
Beatrix Schilcher and her husband Pancho run Pantrix Alternative Centre in Nong Khai. They teach various forms of yoga asana, pranayama, meditations, and much more. She is an amazing Evolutionary astrologer. In my eyes and experience she is the best astrologer ever. She is also an amazing reiki healer. She practices evolutionary astrology and this is what she has taught me. Pancho is a philosopher and great role model for any man. He seems to know something about every single topic in the universe! Together they make this amazing alternate centre in Nong Khai, Thailand.
Just before I fell pregnant with my third son, I ordered an astrology reading for myself and two born sons. They were absolutely mind blowing and so helpful, and to this day I cannot even express how helpful they have been for me. After the readings I was so eager to visit her. When my third son was born my husband (at the time) and myself, went to visit them. We took our third son who was only 4 months old.
We did the week intensive course together. We both seemed to get different things out of the experience in Nong Khai. Chad loved Pancho’s knowledge of nutrition and movement, and whereas he said he loved it he also said he probably wouldn’t go back. However, he knew when he looked at me that I would come back forever. He actually said to me “Your’e coming back every year forever aren’t you?” I put my head down and nodded. It was weird. I knew he was asking because he was worried about where this was going so I didn’t have the guts at that stage to have my head up and proudly declare that I was absolutely going to go back every year, but deep down I knew I somehow would be going back a lot.
On the 12th Feb, 2020, I went back for more studies again to Thailand. As It turns out this has been an ongoing journey over the past Now 13 years into some profound realisations, healings and a beautiful relationship into the journey of the soul.
I am forever grateful to Beatrix and Pancho for really helping me unlock the beginning of this journey into remembering.
In 2018, I started to study human Design and Genekeys. I was soon obsessed with the genekeys and decided to do all of Richard Rudd’s amazing courses and early 2021 I became a Genekeys Guide. These days when I do readings for clients it combines Evolutionary Astrology, Human Design and The Genekeys.
I am now also listed on the Genekeys directory Guide: Gene keys

Shae has been practising Evolutionary Astrology for over a decade, although her fascination with the stars began as a child, which is not surprising given Shae has been an astrologer for many lifetimes.
In 2018, Shae was introduced to Human Design and her deep understanding of astrology made it easy for her to share the mechanics of this spiritual technique, which she often uses to help her clients to understand how to exert their energy and make better decisions. Shortly after she was introduced to Gene Keys, and was enthralled with these mystical transmissions that combined all the esoteric teachings she loved. Shae went on to study all of the Gene Keys courses and was recently listed on the International Gene Keys directory.
Shae is also a Yoga teacher, Reiki Healer and Crystal Dreaming/Sharmanic journey facilitator and she guides her clients to clear past life traumas and contracts, heal soul fractures, and transmutes negative energy that hinders the soul’s evolution in this lifetime. She is professionally trained to take clients on a soul journey, through their past lives, with the aim of re-activating her client’s mastery, including the necessary skills needed to be actualised in this current lifetime.
For the past four years, Shae has begun to incorporate and combine all her knowledge, gifts, skills, and her expertise in her private readings, healings, soul journeys, and also in her monthly collective videos. Shae is also launching several courses in 2024 where she shares her unique wisdom to support those wanting to deepen their understanding of the soul’s evolution. Her methodology combines the ancient practices of Astrology and Sharmanic journeys, and also includes the modern transmissions of Human Design and Gene Keys and much more. Her courses are uniquely designed with the purpose of activating the soul’s unique divine blueprint of each individual participant.
Shae’s soul purpose is to help guide humanity through the great change and to facilitate her client’s expansion in consciousness and awareness so that they may live to their full potential.
Shae is the proud mother of three boys and loves spending her spare time with her family, in nature, surfing, walking, yoga and of course dancing.
For bookings or media enquiries: astrohealing.com.au