There is so much for me to say at this point of the Great Awakening of humanity:

I have been an astrologer actively in service Since 2012/2013, and in many prior lifetimes across various settings and eras. Astrology is now becoming increasingly popular as we unlock dormant memories in our DNA and begin to recall the magic of the intelligence of consciousness that permeates the fabric of the universe, reigniting our spirits. My readings combine Evolutionary Astrology, Gene Keys, and Quantum Human Design, enabling me to delve deeply into your soul blueprint and the codes of your DNA.
I Also Offer Soul Journeys, Where we uncover together any of the deepest wounding or patterns that may be keeping you stuck and help heal these deep wounds and re-align you to your Intended Souls Path and Divine Blueprint. 


I am also a Shamanic Crystal Dreaming Certified Practitioner, offering space for you to journey to resolve unresolved past life contracts, heal past life traumas, conduct Soul Retrieval, Power retrieval, and therefore heal and realign your divine blueprint. I can facilitate these sessions both in person and via distance. For inquiries, please contact hello@astrohealing.com.au or sfairleigh@hotmail.com.

The combination of these powerful modalities—Evolutionary Astrology/Genekeys and Quantum Human Design along with Shamanic Journeying—allows one to delve deeply into their blueprint.